hero image


2 weeks


Solo Project


Adobe XD, 
Adobe Illustrator

my role

UX/UI design

project definition

organic pharmacy website


provide information about organic medicine advantages over modern drugs;

expand customer base;

fulfill online shopping;

earn credibility by acquainting users with company vision and mission.


generate online revenue;

increase sales by promoting products and providing online services;

promote products and discounts;

▪ promote customized remedies;

▪ senior friendly, but modern website.

target users:

ages 20 to 50;

open to alternative medicine;

conscious about their health condition.


hard to provide online shopping;

▪ inability to provide information;

▪ difficulty reaching more users.

To build better emphathy I needed to imagine my client as well.
So here's a bit about him:

▪ he owns and runs a little pharmacy store - the family business built by his grandparents;

▪ they've been around for 58 years, providing organic cures for any disease;

▪ his job is his legacy, he's vastly dedicated to the business.

design process


competitive analysis
user personas


site structure

visual design

logo design

competitive analysis

I choose 3 websites providing similar products and services to the one I'm designing and analized their:
layout - to gather the scope of main page design;
content - to identify what they do well and what they can improve.

competitive analysis one competitive analysis two competitive analysis three

user personas

user personas

site structure



first round of sketces

I did some brainstorming on elements positioning, shape consistency and information and removed all the unnecessary elements. Rearanged what's left and resketched the final idea:

secon round of sketches


home page wireframe products page wireframe about page wireframe frequently asked questions wireframe

logo design

The logomark shows The Deer Ancestor - a symbol of health and nobility. For the Thracians it was impersonation of everything strong and powerful that protects and defends.
The logotype is a wordplay with the first Bulgarian word for pharmacy - "lekarna" - where the root "lek" means cure.
Therefore I named the brand "bilkarna", where the root is "bilka" - the Bulgarian word for herb, so the name would translate as "curing with herbs".

logo design

desktop mockup

home page products page about page frequently asked questions

tablet mockup

home page- tablet version about page - tablet version
products page - tablet version frequently sked questions page - tablet version

mobile mockup

home page - mobile products page - mobile about page - mobile FAQ page - mobile
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